Tax & Accounting

AP Con welcome and do understand that clients and investor need these bellow services. ADMINISTRATION / BOOKKEEPING / DATA ENTRY If clients or investors don’t have an Accounting department or an efficient Accounting system, after all it doesn’t create revenue for you, your Accounting is often left too long leaving you without a clear idea of how your business is really performing, the AP Con could provide these for you at a cost normally less than employing your own accounting staff The importance of a good and clear accounting system should be the highest priority for all businesses small as well as large. AP Con offers for Collection of the receipts, Recording the invoices, Recording bank transactions of business accounts. All this data will be entered into a professional accounting system. General ledger Profit and loss, Analyze Costing, Analyze Sales margins This thing should help client or investor to perform the tax report easily. At the end of tax year this should then be given directly to a tax consultant for evaluation and submission to the tax department. TAXATION – MONTHLY – YEARLY AP Con service Includes : Monthly service (Excluding Personal Tax) • Monthly tax calculation • Monthly tax report • Yearly tax report • PPH 21 – Employee Income Tax • PPH23 – Income Tax • PPH4(2) – Income Tax • PPH 25 (Monthly installment of Corporate Income ACCOUNTING The importance of a good and clear accounting system should be the highest priority for all businesses small as well as large. With an accounts database you can call up in an instant your customer details, invoices that are due, payments that are late. You can instantly print reports to show your Profit and Loss, by period of time or by project, analyze sales, Inventory or Budgets. Even to do lists that remind you of the jobs you forget while you are busy earning money for your business.
Immigration Services

AP Con for Immigration services Retirement Visa Validity: Initial Stay 1 year; Maximum 5 year, 4 times yearly extension. Requirement: • 55 years of age. • Copy of Valid passport. • Retirement Statement. • Photo passport size. • Valid retirement income. Social Culture Visa Validity: 6 months; Initial stay: 60 days, Monthly extension: 4 times. Requirements: • Sponsorship letter. • Copy of valid passport. • Photo passport size. • Copy of sponsor ID card (KTP) Single Entry Business Visa Validity: 6 months; Initial Stay: 60 days. Requirements: • Copy of valid passport. • Photo passport size. • Company sponsor details and documents. Multiple Entry Business Visa Validity: 12 months; Initial stay: 60 days. Requirements: • Copy of valid passport. • Photo passport size. • Company Sponsor documents. Multiple Entry Business Visa is NOT extendable, which means each of this visa holder have to leave Indonesia on the 60th days to gain another 60 days upon arrival back. KITAS & Working Permit Validity: up to 5 years; Initial stay: 1 year. Requirements: • Valid passport. • Photo passport size. • Curriculum vitae. • Details and documents of company sponsor. Company Sponsor documents: • Copy of Article of association (AktaPendirian Perusahaan) • Copy of Company Business License (SIUP). • Copy of Company Registration Number (TDP). • Copy of Company Tax Identification Number (NPWP). • Company Letter Head and Company Stamp. • Copy of Director ID card (KTP). Family KITAS (Dependant Visa) Validity up to 5 years, Initial Stay: 1 year 1/ Indonesian Husband. • Copy of Family card (KartuKeluarga). • Copy of Indonesian husband Identity card (KTP). • Copy of Marriage Certificate. 2/ Foreign Husband (for foreign wife and children). • Full copy of Passport. • Full copy of Immigration Book (blue book). • Full copy of Police Registration book. • Copy of Marriage certificate. • Birth Certificate of each applicant. Document from applicant: • Wife; Full copy valid passport. • Photograph: 2x3cm, 2x4cm, and 4x6cm each size: 12 pieces. • Child (under 18 years of age). • Full copy of passport, copy of birth certificate, • photograph: 2×3 cm, 3×4 cm, and 4×6 cm each size: 12 pieces • A Wife cannot sponsor a Husband. • Family Visa holder are not allows to work. Social Culture Visa are convertible into Family Visa after several time extension. Single Exit Re-entry Permit Validity: 3 months Requirements: • Original Passport, ITAS and Immigration control book (blue book). Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit Validity: 6 months. Requirements: • Original Passport, ITAS and Immigration control book (blue book). Validity : 11 months. Requirements: • Original Passport, ITAS and Immigration control book (blue book). Exit Permit Only (EPO) Validity: 7 days. Requirements: • Original Passport • ITAS Card. • Immigration control book (blue book). • Original receipt of DPKK fund payment. General Information : We will process all the visa application and once the approval letter of visa, called (Telex Visa) is issued by the Director General of Immigration Jakarta, you have to come in or send in your passport together with the Telex Visa to the Indonesian Embassy to obtain your visa. The visa cost will vary, subject to where the Indonesian Embassy is located and payable direct to the Embassy. To apply any Indonesian Visa your passport has to be valid for at least 12 months. Processing Time: Processing time: 1 day to 3 weeks subject to the visa required. Visa Regulations Effective February 1st, 2004, the government of Indonesia has changed its visa policy for foreign tourists. Visiting Indonesia Without Any Visa Visiting Indonesia without any visa is possible now only for nationals of the following 12 countries and territories: ( Filipina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Kamboja, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste) Citizens of the above countries will be issued on arrival a stay permit for 30 days free of charge upon presentation of a passport which is valid at least for another 6 months. This stay permit cannot be extended or converted into another type of visa. VISA on ARRIVAL (VoA) This facility is available for nationals of the following countries: Those 64 countries and 1 region are as follow: 1. Argentina 2. Australia 3. Austria 4. Algeria 5. Bahrain 6. Belgium 7. Brazil 8. Bulgaria 9. Czech Republic 10. Cambodia 11. Canada 12. Cyprus 13. China 14. Denmark 15. Estonia 16. Egypt 17. Fiji 18. Finland 19. France 20. Germany 21. Greece 22. Hungary 23. India 24. Iceland 25. Iran 26. Ireland 27. Italy 28. Japan 29. Kuwait 30. Laos 31. Latvia 32. Libya 33. Lithuania 34. Liechtenstein 35. Luxembourg 36. Maldives 37. Malta 38. Mexico 39. Monaco 40. New Zealand 41. Netherlands 42. Norway 43. Oman 44. Panama 45. Poland 46. Portugal 47. Qatar 48. Romania 49. Russia 50. Saudi Arabia 51. Slovak Republic 52. Slovenia 53. Spain 54. South Africa 55. South Korea 56. Suriname 57. Sweden 58. Switzerland 59. Taiwan PRC 60. Timor Leste 61. Tunisia 62. Turkey 63. Uni Arab Emirates 64. United Kingdom (British) 65. United States of America This visa can be obtained directly when you are landed at the certain airports and seaport in Indonesia regardless of the purpose of your visits (Business, Tourist, Social). The Visa on Arrival is not a work visa nor a visitation visa. Therefore, it cannot be converted to obtain other immigration permits. The maximum stays permitted for the visa on arrival is 30 days. If you plan to stay longer than 30 days, you need to mention your intention to stay longer. Visa on Arrival can be extended for another 30 days. The general requirements for Visa On Arrival are: 1. Expiration date of the applicant’s passport must be at least 6 (six) months at the date of entry. 2. Round-trip airplane ticket. 3. Fees The fees for Visa On Arrival are: Visa for stay up to 30 (thirty) days = US$ 25,- Arriving travelers with Visa-On-Arrival status have to go first to one of the ‘VoA Counters’ to pay the appropriate fee and
Corporate & Business Permits

CONSULTING FOR CORPORATION & BUSINESS PERMITS In regard to establish company in Indonesia then Law number 40 year 2007 should be the legal basis in the performing of limited company in Indonesia, or it would be called as PT (Perseroan Terbatas). PT is a legal body that performing of join capital, established based on agreement (deed notary), to conduct such business purposes by using its capital either partial or whole capital which divided into shares and fulfilled all the conditions that stipulated by the regulation and its implementation. The term and conditions of establishment company such as name of the company (may be reserved before establishment), copy ID card, tax number (NPWP), family card (KK), line of business, total of authorized capital and value of each share. The establishment of company shall be done before the notary and all article of association of the company may be reviewed by lawyer for sure. In the term of running the business PT also has to obtain its business licenses such : The approval from the Minister of Justice and Human Right. This approval indicated that the company already in the performed of fully legal body, whereas the right and obligation of the shareholders is limited to its total of shares inside the company. The domicile letter (SKTU) The domicile letter of the company. This letter shall be issued by the head village whereas the company located, means the head village recognizes in its area the company located (SKTU) Tax Number NPWP (tax number), each company may register its company into tax office to get identity number of tax. SIUP (Business license) SIUP (SuratIzin Usaha Perdagangan)is a business license which issued by the local government via the Trade and Industry Department whereas the company located. SIUP applied for running the business based in Indonesian based on the Indonesian Business Classification Number (KLUI) Based on the value of capital and asset value of the company excluding land and building and or paid capital of the company then SIUP should be classified to be : SIUP Kecil, is owned by small scale business with assets more than Rp.50.000.000,- (fifty million rupiah) to Rp.500.000.000,- (five hundred million rupiah) SIUP Menengah, is owned by middle scale business with the assets more than Rp.500.000.000 (five hundred million rupiah) to Rp.,- (then billion rupiah). SIUP Besar, is owned by the big scale business with the assets more than Rp. (ten billion rupiah) SITU and UUG/HO (nuisance act) Nuisance act is under UndangUndangGangguan (Hinder Ordonantie/HO) is the approval given to the personal or legal body which running business in the danger area or it would create such dangerous, loss or interference. TDP (TandaDaftar Perusahaan) Registration Company TDP is a registration company which issued by the Trade and Industry Department whereas the company located.
Property Consulting

Bali is an ideal place to live and invest. Given its combination of beauty and life style, Bali is attractive to those seeking opportunities to invest, open a business or simply retire. Under Indonesian law foreigners are not permitted to hold title to property. However, foreign individuals can legally acquire Indonesian property and enjoy full beneficial rights. CCI always provides the best legal advice for securing or selling property in Bali. CCI assists you to make smart choices by helping you navigate the complexities of Indonesian law. Indonesian law concerning land is not to be compared to the laws of most developed countries. Foreigners wishing to buy, lease or sell land are often confused by the complexities of Indonesian laws. Those wishing to purchase land for whatever purpose need to be aware of the differences. We are specialists in Indonesian real estate law with decades of experience. CCI will ensure your compliance with Indonesian business and immigration requirements. CCI does more than specialize in real estate acquisitions for our clients. We buy, sell, lease and speculate on land and buildings for our own account. Among our additional services, • Property due diligence: title validity, zoning, tax liabilities, etc. • Mortgage security • Negotiation / Mediation • Will / Testament and Prenuptial agreements. CCI offers the best legal and lifestyle advice in Bali – and nothing less. Give yourself peace of mind in knowing your property investment is safe. Let our experienced team help answer any questions you have about real estate investment and property ownership in Bali by contacting us today.